Copyright © 2023 Cape Payments, LLC dba ProMerchant. All Rights Reserved.

Cape Payments, LLC dba ProMerchant is a registered ISO/MSP in association with Fifth Third Bank, Cincinnati, OH

 *Promotion contingent upon ProMerchant receiving competing processor statements in writing from potential merchant.

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Why Choose ProMerchant?

Free Processing Equipment

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Most credit card processing companies make you buy equipment at retail prices. We offer the widest selection of free equipment in the industry, including terminals that are EMV and NFC-ready.

Best-In-Class Solutions for All Business Types:

  • RETAIL / RESTAURANT: Our FREE, easy to use EMV / NFC ready credit card terminal is reliable and has lightning fast processing speed.
  • POINT OF SALE: A reliable and cost-effective EMV / NFC ready POS system with apps & functionality to help merchants run their businesses.
  • MOBILE: Our reliable, FREE Bluetooth card reader is EMV / NFC ready and works with our FREE smart phone app.
  • VIRTUAL TERMINAL: $0 up-front cost to accept payments by phone, email, text, or via shopping cart / buy now buttons on your website.

Interchange Plus Pricing Plans

Our first pricing plan option is Interchange plus a fixed percentage rate and transaction fee. This straightforward pricing structure enables business owners to understand what they are actually being charged for their merchant transactions. As well, your rates will never be raised unless Visa and/or MasterCard alter their own Interchange rates, which stabilizes your operating costs and allows you to accurately forecast business profitability.

Zero Cost Processing

Our second plan is a Zero Cost Processing option and is available to retail businesses and restaurants. This plan shifts the percentage rates over to your customers and saves your business a tremendous amount of money, which is very helpful during good or bad economic cycles. Our plans are superior to deceptively advertised tiered pricing models, but how your business operates and how much you process in monthly credit card charges are the key ingredients that determine the best processing program. We are experts in payment processing and understand that no singular pricing model, regardless of how beneficial it is, fits every type of business. This why we make sure every one of our merchants are set up with the correct program for their particular business.

Dedicated, Personalized Support Team

We believe that every merchant should receive unparalleled support. We understand running a business is not always simple and easy. We also know many merchants are not experts in payment processing, which is why we use our expertise to provide tailored and sustainable care, that truly supports all our customers. We do not believe merchants should have to wait days for an answer to a question that needs to be solved immediately. From the approval process, through the entire life of your merchant account, you will have a dedicated support team, that is committed to providing the type of service that delivers nothing less than total peace of mind in your payment processing experience.

Fast & Easy Merchant Account Setup

We understand time is of the essence for most merchants, which is why we have an online application that is easy and straightforward. This technology also allows us to approve your account within 2 to 24 hours. As well, we are able to ship your processing equipment via overnight delivery, which enables our retail and mobile merchants to process credit cards within 72 hours of first contact with us. For our internet merchants, and mail order/telephone order merchants, who receive their processing solution securely online, credit card acceptance can be achieved in 48 hours, literally, and we make sure these extremely fast time frames never compromise the integrity of the set-up process.

No Long-Term Contracts or Cancellation Fees

Our standard contract term is a month-to-month agreement, which gives our merchants the peace of mind that comes with flexibility. We do not feel it is necessary to lock merchants into a long-term contract because we are extremely confident you will be completely satisfied with our service and support. We also believe standard, early termination fees are an unnecessary, deceptive practice, especially since they are often buried in the fine print of processing agreements. As with our rate plans, transparency is part of our agreements, which supports our fundamental mission to provide merchants with the service they need to run their businesses successfully.

FREE Best-In-Class Processing Solutions

No matter how you accept payments, we will provide the best processing solution for your business because we know which option will support you in the most effective manner possible. We also are aware that many merchants start their businesses on a very tight budget, which is why we provide our merchants with a free processing solution that is reliable, easy to use and has cutting edge technology. Whether you are a restaurant owner, a shopkeeper or you accept payments out in the field, we will make sure you receive the equipment you need to successfully process credit cards from your customers.


Call for a Free Quote Today! 


Transparent and Easy Credit Card Processing 

With ProMerchant, your business can benefit from best in class payment processing solutions with Interchange or Zero Cost Processing options. Plus, we'll give you a $500 AMEX Gift card if we can't meet or beat your current processor's pricing*. 

What You Get with ProMerchant:

  • Free Equipment & Software
  • Interchange Plus or Zero Cost Processing Pricing Options
  • No Setup or Cancellation Fees
  • Month-to-Month Contract
  • Fast Approval Times
  • Low Rate Guarantee